The Two Sisters In Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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Why do sisters have different personalities? Sisters have different personalities because they’re individuals and at times can be complete opposites. Sisters sometimes have conflicts no matter the topic. Siblings with different personalities can make their relationship special or very difficult. According Dr. Kevin Leman who is a psychologist that studies birth order believes that sibling personality differences come from birth order whether you’re the first, middle, or last child to be born. This connects to the story ‘’Everyday Use’’ by Alice Walker, which focuses on the differences between two sisters. Dee is the older sister and Maggie is the younger sister. Both Dee and Maggie are the complete opposite. Dee is the better looking sister. She is smart, confident, …show more content…

According to Tracy Rackauskas firstborns identify themselves as overachievers. This connects to Dee, who is the older sister and is considered the overachiever of the two siblings. Dee is the first person in her family to go to college and as a result has become very successful. Dee’s accomplishments have come at the expense of her younger sister Maggie. Often time older siblings feel they are superior to their younger sibling simply because they are first born. Dee feels like she’s better than not just her sister Maggie but also her mother because she is educated and they are not. This has an impact on Maggie because she is the complete opposite of Dee. Maggie is shy, nervous and complicated. She requires much more attention than Dee. According to Megan an at-home mom in San Diego she says her daughter Katie loves the attention and and will fight other siblings for the spotlight. The last-born are usually spoiled and helpless. This connects to Maggie because she still lives with Mama and is protected by Mama. When Dee comes back home she becomes jealous because it reflects on who she isn’t. Maggie lacks the confidence to be her own