The Un-American Dream

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The Un-American Dream
Undoubtedly, when speaking about America and Americanization, one is right about asking whether the American Dream of the entire land is the same for each and every member of it. Considering the fact that America has the most diverse population in terms of racial and ethnical aspects, the answer to the above question is evident. Despite the fact that one of America’s goals is to function as a single nation, there are different dreams for every minority of it. Racially speaking, the largest minority of the United States is the African-American group. Therefore, one can show a high-level curiosity about a community that has always been considered in the US history racially unequal and their American Dream. With little exaggeration …show more content…

In this sense, the American Dream that stirs him is rooted on the “oasis of freedom and justice”. If we consider his speech, above all, a testimony of truth, we are not wrong. Taking into consideration the fact that even nowadays people of any race, but more particularly the black race has to encounter various forms of discrimination, his speech is valid even in the present days. Although the Declaration of Independence claims that all men are equal before God and have the rights for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it is the Afro-American race that suffers from the white people’s malformed prejudices. One of the most derogatory laws in the 19th century American history can be considered the Jim Craw laws regarding Afro-Americans. Due to this law, also called segregation law, between 1877 and 1950s, more precisely between the end of Reconstruction and the beginning of the civil rights movement in the South, Afro-Americans – or, as they were regarded as “persons of color” – were separated from white communities. Racial discrimination was the basis of any of the Jim Craw laws. Taking into account these laws, one should mention that they spread the attention to the interaction between white and black people, including playing in company with each other; marriages between white and black people were considered void; separate schools were established for African descendants, black children were not allowed to attend any white school; on the means of transportation separate accommodations were set up, namely on the buses colored people have to sit in the back and if there were no places for white people they have to give up there seats in favor of whites. Segregation was everywhere. It was expanded even to theatres and drinking fountains. Due to the Southern blacks the