The Underground Railroad: Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, John Brown

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The Underground Railroad was a secret group of very organized people who hid slaves in their homes until they could be further transported up north to Canada to their freedom where no slave laws were in place. The Underground railroad was formed in the 1700s, they began operating in the 1850s then in the 1860s the Underground Railroad quiet operating. The Underground Railroad helped free many slaves, but it was also very dangerous for the slaves who could of been caught. If the slaves were caught they then would be taken further down south to harsher treatment and harsher environment in the swampy area. The most famous people who were involved in the Underground Railroad were Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, John Brown and many more. Harriet Tubman, who was a former slave who escaped “in …show more content…

“Underground Railroad.”, A&E Television Networks, 2017, Harriet Tubman is considered the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad by helping many slaves escape to Canada for their freedom. Frederick Douglass was also a former slave and was also a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad he hid around 400 slaves in his home in Rochester, NY. According to a famous quote by Frederick Douglass was “I didn’t know I was a slave until I found out I couldn’t do the things I wanted” meaning the slaves didn’t know they were slaves they thought that the life they were living was how it was supposed to be. John Brown was another famous conductor on the Underground Railroad who was also an abolitionists. John Brown created an army to make their way down to the south and free slaves by gunpoint eventually John Brown’s men were defeated and Brown was hanged for treason in 1859. The bow tie quilt was the seventh quilt on the fence to