The Underworld is a place where all dead people that is talked about by many different Greek and Roman poets. Each poet puts a different little spin on exactly where it is and what it is. For example, in the Odyssey it is said to be located in the depths beneath the earth and over the edge of the earth across Ocean. Another poet wrote that there are two parts of the Underworld, Tartarus and Erebus. Tartarus being where people who have long died reside and Erebus the part where the newly dead ones pass briefly in. The ruler of the Underworld is Hades and the queen is Persephone. Other unearthly beings that have a place of power in the Underworld are Charon, Cerberus, Erinyes, and Sleep and Death. Charon is the person who operates the boat on the river leading to the Underworld and brings souls down. Cerberus is a three-headed dog owned by Hades who guards and permits souls to enter. Erinyes are in charge of torturing and punishing souls and Sleep and Death observe dreams of men. …show more content…
While these gods are considered less powerful they are still immortal and possess supernatural abilities and are assigned a purpose as to where objects or events came from. For example, Pan was said to be the source of noise made in the forest that caused people to have fear and this is where the word “panic” is derived from. Perhaps, the most popular myth about the divine beings that dwelled on earth was a pair of brothers, Castor and Pollux. The duo was one of the more powerful being because they did not just dwell on earth, but also in heaven and considered more apart of the Olympian gods in terms of worship. The brothers were credited for protecting sailors and known for never separating even in death they resided in Hades