The Uprising Of Hope: An Analysis

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“Anthropology has always called for a participatory experience, but in this ethnography, we are asked to become part of the action, sharing the risks as well as the rewards of success.” The novel, “The Uprising of Hope” written by Duncan Earle and Jeanne Simonelli, expresses the Zapatista journey to alternative development. Before we express the Zapatista journey to alternative development, we must know who and what the Zapatista’s stand for. First, all Zapatista’s have some sense of disjuncture from the past, a profound distrust of the government based on repeated betrayals, a hope and faith that life can change with sacrifice to the larger social cause, and a profound love of the campesino small holder lifestyle. They reject the government handouts in every form, including textbooks, medical supplies, and interventions in immunization programs. Even though they might well benefit the communities. They have a Neoliberal progress attitude, which is defined as “an outgrowth of the U.S. liberal movement, beginning in the late 1960s, that modified somewhat its traditional endorsement of all trade unions and opposition to big business and military buildup.” Some Zapatistas within the same communities are very traditional Mayas, and some are totally Mexicanized, secular or nominal Catholics, and ecumenical Protestants. Lastly, Zapatistas work towards autonomy and democracy. Secondly, the fundamentals of the …show more content…

The Zapatista’s are against the government in all forms and they work towards autonomy and democracy. The three ways the Zapatista’s work to dissolve structural inequalities is through their strong emphasis on gender complementarity, the inclusion of multiple religions in their group, and by the acceptance of different races. It is important to realize the Zapatista’s took several risks, however those risks came with rewards of