The Use Of Cell Phones In William Shakespeare's Hamlet

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“To be, or Not To be, That is The Question”. This is William Shakespeare’s famous figure of speech introduction on his illustrious “Hamlet” play. The phrase actually means “Is it better to live or to die”. I draw on this phrase to emphasize that technology; particularly the use of cell-phone possesses an immense influence in controlling us! It manipulates our lives either you consciously don’t know it or you just don’t want to admit it. But admit it or not, it is directly placing our health and well-being in danger. Society, who are so fixated with cell-phones are taking chances when using it while driving. Through the midst of all the technology that surrounds us for conveniences; most people never realize that cell-phone technology also includes negativity on it as much of its capability to help us. …show more content…

Instead, we meet up with friends or sometimes we wrote notes or letters which are our means of communications with them. My generation managed to nurture growing up without the convenience of these technologies. Currently, present-day generations to a greater extent are becoming at the mercy of all the accessibility of these technologies, relying from cell-phone and personal computers to ensure that they stay connected to each and every one, but ignoring all the deleterious effects of it, from texting or calling while driving that resulted to over half a million injuries and death in a year due to traffic accident statistics are alarming!