
The Use Of Stereotypes In Disney's Mulan

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In Disney’s story “Mulan,” the author uses feminism as one of the main points in the story to explain to the audience how society shapes people and their beliefs. Feminism is the “theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes”(merriam.com). Knowing this you can infer that Disney wanted the story to be child friendly and support woman’s rights, but they did the complete opposite, it was anti climatic and disappointing windup. In the story the author also highlights the idea of stereotypes by showing how men are more privileged, stereotypical famine qualities, and stereotypical gender roles. A stereotype is a “misleading and simplified representation of a particular social group.”(Ott and Mack 180) …show more content…

Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?”(Mulan) shows the stereotype of men because it affirms that men are the only gender suit to fight. Captain sings, “be a man with all the force of a great typhoon be a man with all the strength of the raging fire”(Mulan) it is emphasizing the stereotype that men are stronger and more relevant than girls . Also saying that the masculine traits are better than to the feminine ones. The goal of Captain Shang in this scene is to make a man of the new recruits. The whole thing is sexist because it is discriminatory to woman saying that woman are not acceptable in

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