The Use Of Technology In There Will Come Soft Rains

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The word technology has been used as a hypernym to describe different technological advances throughout the years; it has been viewed in many ways, and envisioners of the early less advanced times thought of stories and ideas as to what innovations could exist. For example, Ray Bradbury wrote the short story, “There Will Come Soft Rains” in 1950, and conceptualized the idea of a futuristic entirely self-sufficient home, with the use of smart appliances and assisting robots. He highlights how technology can both be beneficial and harmful to humans and society. Through the use of plot development, Bradbury conveys that technology can be both valuable and dangerous.
For instance, the author calls attention to how the smart home is a valuable aspect …show more content…

This is made clear by the strict schedule the house lives on. Every morning the clock sings “tick-tock, seven o’clock, time to get up time to get up, seven o’clock” (Bradbury 1). This alarm was put in place to hold the residents accountable to wake up every morning and go through the same motions every day. Building habits and creating routines are crucial factors in having a productive lifestyle, and since the smart house can assist in this consistent process, it is more likely that the habit will be built, making everyday life easier. Due to human nature, these attempts at a daily pattern would probably be broken, but with the aid of technology, it is expected that the house occupants can succeed in their endeavors. The clock plays an important role in creating orderly conduct within the household by announcing different times and their corresponding task. To support this claim, at “nine-fifteen… [it was] time to clean” (Bradbury 8). This consistent schedule of the house and appliances created an environment where expectations were met, while also allowing the residents to direct attention to other important matters. Through Bradbury’s tone and word choice, it is apparent that the use of technology brings convenience to one’s everyday