
The Value Of Brooke's Life

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In this narrative, Brooke is the value because she is being protected by Zoe and Lucas, she is the new kid getting bullied by the danger, and she has moved from New York to California during the summer, which means she needs help with her new life. One reason is, Brooke is being protected by her sentries and this helps her with everything going on in her new life. “At my old school, I made friends right when I walked into the school.” This shows that Brooke is the value because she hasn’t experienced something new and different that is very big. Also, she is the new, fragile person that just walked into a new lifestyle. Changing States, schools, meeting new people and having a different home were something very new for Brooke and she needs …show more content…

“Last night was the scariest night ever. This email, I got from the person, was all in caps. Now, I started to freak out.” This shows that Brooke is the value because she is being bullied by someone and it is getting worse, and worse as the days pass by. As Brooke is the value, She was getting emotionally hurt and bring the new kid, she probably felt that there was already someone mean to me and it could get worse if no one did anything. Lastly, she has moved from New York to California during the summer, which means she needs help with her new life. “The next day, I went to Zoe and asked some things about California. I had so many questions for her.” This shows that Brooke is the value because she has an open mind about things she wants to know. Also, she is new and as the fragile value, she needs help. All in all, Brooke was the value in this narrative like a bracelet is a value to the …show more content…

One reason is, Dexter has physically bullied many people before which makes him a danger to many people. “I heard he has physically hurt people, and said some mean, rude things to people.” this shows that Dexter is the danger because he has hurt people emotionally and physically and that is bullying. He was a little violent but not violent enough to hurt someone. He could consider being dangerous to others and Brooke. Another reason is, Dexter has cyberbullied Brooke by sending her texts at the beginning, but then sending her emails instead. “Two days ago, I got this really long email. I read the first three sentences and I stopped. I couldn’t handle this.” This shows that Dexter is the danger because he emotionally hurt Brooke. Also, he kept making Brooke mad and annoyed because he kept sending the emails for a really long period of time. Lastly, Dexter is the danger in the narrative because he has been rude to Brooke because he has given her mean looks. “He looked at me, made a really angry face and then started laughing.” This shows that Dexter is a mean person and a danger. This looks, leads to something else usually bad and in Brooks’s case, it did. This look made Brooke very uncomfortable and confused. In conclusion, Dexter was the danger to Brooke in this narrative because he did many

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