
The Value Of Money In Our Life Essay

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Money is the most important thing of material value in our lives, and as such, it became an integral part of our lives as well. It is a proven fact that money can buy you happiness, according the recent scientific studies. As a matter of fact, the more the person earns, the more satisfied and happier he/she is with his/her life. Even though many things do not have its price, in a manner of speech, you can pretty much buy everything you would like with money. There is also an old saying that goes by: "Only people without money would tell you that money cannot actually buy you happiness, the ones who have it would not". That being so, money can make your life better and it can buy you happiness in several ways, for example, it can enable you to have proper and quality education, make a name for yourself and leave a mark in the world by helping many people. First of all, money can most definitely help you to have a proper and quality education. Even though some things cannot be bought solely by money, a worthless piece of paper as some like to call it. Things such as proper and quality education have …show more content…

Having a large fortune and a will to help others can make you a big time humanitarian, which would make you stand out, be respected and praised by many. Even though many rich people like to spend their money on luxury, vacations, expensive houses, cars and such. On the other hand, many of them like to share their money by helping the poor and those in need. They show no problem in giving away their fortune to make a difference in this world, as much as they are able to. By doing so, they leave mark and make a difference in this world by helping those in need, regardless of the situation. That being so, money can in fact buy you happiness and by making yourself happy you would make many other people happy and thankful as

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