The Viewpoints That The North And The South Had On The Civil War

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The Civil War was a very controversial battle for both the North and the South. Both the North and the South had different viewpoints about the Civil War. Despite these differences they did have some of the same views. While both sides thought they were doing the right things neither one of them were one hundred percent right. This essay will discuss the similar and different viewpoints that the North and the South had on the Civil War. The North had very different viewpoints about the Civil War than the South. According to Harper’s Weekly cartoon the South is in the wrong and the North is in the right. The cartoon shows the South trying to destroy the constitution and the North defending it. This cartoon shows that the North is stronger than the South. That means the North thinks they will prevail. Also, the North was against slavery unlike the South where slavery was a big part of Southerners' everyday life. A letter written by Phineas Hage in 1864, said that “After this war is over, this whole country will undergo a change for the better abolishing slavery will dignify labor; that fact of itself will revolutionize everything.” These are the North’s viewpoints about the Civil War. …show more content…

According to New Orleans Daily Crescent November 13, 1860, the South did not even want to engage with the North. The South just wanted to be left alone. In the Daily Crescent it states, “we have only asked to be left alone in the enjoyment of our plain, inalienable rights, as explicitly guaranteed in our common organic law. We have never aggressed upon the North… They have robbed us of our property, they have murdered our citizens while endeavoring to reclaim that property by lawful means.” But the South did think what they thought was right and what the North thought was