The Visit By Frank Durrenmatt Analysis

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“Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.”(a quote by Malcolm X) The play, ‘The Visit’, by Friedrich Durrenmatt backdrops a small town notorious town in Switzerland called Guellen. The visit raises the question of the corruptibility of justice by asking whether it can be bought in return for material wealth. The writer inquires whether a wrong judgement given years ages on the basis of false evidence, be used for justice years later. The author effectively showcases Claire’s wealth and the authority she demands over the city. Durrenmatt talks about many different characters that are all related to Claire’s past. Finally, he explains the desire of money for the people of Guellen to show their helplessness to the barbarous and bitter demands of Claire. Therefore, through exhibiting the economic status of Claire, the writer is …show more content…

Before, it was Ill who had bought justice by “With a pint of brandy, with a pint of brandy.” Ill had bought the pairs on the sake of Claire’s happiness, life, occupation, status, and their child. As a result, Claire “Became a prostitute.” But eventually, Claire’s life prospered after she married a millionaire. As mentioned in above paragraph, Claire forthrightly explained her desire for justice by bribing the people of the city. As a consequence, Ill loses his life. “Ill walks slowly into lane of silent men. When he gets to the end, he comes up against Gymnast planted facing him. Ill stops, turns round, and seeing lane close mercilessly in on him, sinks to his knees. The lane becomes a silent knot of men, swelling r~p, then slowly crouching down.” Therefore, through Claire’s desire of justice, she effectively buys justice on the basis of disability, helplessness and greed for money for the citizens of