The Wallamolum Analysis

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The FRAGMENT The Wallamolum was written by Lekhibit to record the glory of the Lenape. We have had many Sachem Chiefs since that unhappy time when the white men invaded our lands. There were 3 chiefs till the friend of Mikwon (William Penn) came. The first was Mattanikum when the Winakoli (Swedes) came to Winaki (Pennsylvania). The second was Nahumen (Raccoon) when the Hopocani Senalwi (Dutch) came. The third was Palkinap or Ikwahon (Sharp-fighter for Women) when the Yankwis (English) came with Mikwon soon after and his friends. They (Mikon and his friends) were all well received and fed with Corn, but no land was ever sold, we never sold any. They were allowed to live with us, to build houses and plant Corn, as our friends and ally. Because …show more content…

We liked the white traders and thought some of their baubles and trinkets were good, made by Children of Sunland. But some of our crafts were better. After Mikon the children of Dolojo Sakima (King George) came who more land more land we must have, and no limts could be put to their steps and increase. In the North were the children of Lowi-Sakima (King Louis) and they were our good friends, allies of our allies, foes of our foes, yet Dolojo always wanted to war with them. We had 3 Sachem Chiefs after Mikwon. 1. Skalichi (Last Tamanend). 2. Sassunam Wikwikhon (Our Uncle Builder). 3. Tatami (Beaver Taker). The last was killed by a Yankwako English Snake, and we vowed …show more content…

Some thought that Whiteyes died of smallpox but some thought Whiteyes was murdered. The Delaware wampum records and deeds were stolen by Americans. We went to Wapahani (White R.) to be farther away, but they follow everywhere. We made peace and settle limits, and our next Chief was Hakhingpomskan (Hard Walker) who was good and peaceful. He would not join our Brother allies Shawanis & Ottawas nor Dolojo in the new war. After the last peace, the Yankwis came in crowds all around us, and they want again our lands of Wapahani. Kithtithund and Lapanibi (White Water) were the chiefs of our 2 tribes, when we resolved to exchange our lands and return beyond the Mississippi near to our Ancient Seat. The Delaware Native American Indians moved west to the James Fork of the White River in Missouri in 1820. We shall be near our foes the Wakon (Ozages) but they are better than the Yankwiakhon (English Snakers) who want to possess the whole Big Island. Shall we be free and happy there? At the New Wapahani, We want rest and peace and