The Wife Of Bath's Tale By Geoffery Chaucer

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Geoffery Chaucer a poet in the Middle Ages and on the surface portrays women and love as one would imagine is typical for this time period. The woman is either above or below her male counterpart but never his equal. However, in Chaucer’s writing if we were to dig deeper and analysis these relationships we would notice that Chaucer is trying to make a statement for a change of how the world viewed women and love. Chaucer makes a closer examination of love in “The Night’s Tale,” however the love that is expressed in physical love, without emotional attachment. Chaucer portrays pity for women upon closer examination of “The Wife of Bath’s Tale,” however the pity is short lived for Chaucer deals out some swift justice. In “The Knight’s Tale” Chaucer uses Emelye as an object to be won by a man. Love in this story is superficial. The two men fighting for Emelye are Arcite, and Palamon they do not fight out of love as they have only gazed upon Emelye but out of the sheer desire to win and have control over her. This was perceived as normal for “love” during this time period. An example can be seen here as to exactly Arcite and Palamon view Emelye: