The Wild Horses Of Assateague Island Summary

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"The Wild Horses of Assateague Island" & "Wild Ponies of Chincoteague" & "In Thunder and Rain, Chincoteague Ponies Make Annual Swim"

Opener In this poem, I am going to show you more about the ponies by the illustrations. For example, in "The Wild Horses of Assateague Island" the illustration of the herd of horses on the beach shows that the horses were survivors of a shipwreck off the Virginia Coast. Another example in "Wild Ponies of Chincoteague" the illustration of the people on the boats and the horses in the water shows that the people who were actually the 'Saltwater Cowboys ' were rounding up the horses who were actually not horses and were ponies. Another example in "Wild Ponies of Chincoteague" the illustration of the people watching the ponies while the ponies were walking shows that the ponies were walking to go somewhere. Also in the passage, it says the ponies were being held in the corral for auction so the ponies were clearly going to the corral where they were being held. These are just examples but know we will start the real part of the essay the part where we write more about the illustrations.

"The Wild Horses of Assateague Island" In "The Wild Horses of Assateague Island" the illustration of the horse eating the crops shows that the horse was hungry and wanted some food. Also in the passage which is like the caption of the picture says that "during the 17th - century free - roaming horses, cows, sheep and pigs caused expensive crop damage to local