
The Wonderwerk Cave

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he fire was first used by humans in the stone age for lighting up caves and being able to travel in the dark, and we have used it tons of other ways since then. Studies show that the first campfire was found in a old cave called the Wonderwerk Cave at the edge of the Kalahari desert. The fire was used for warmth and to cook prey. You should know how to build a fire so that people can know how to build one if they are going camping or for boy/girl scouts or maybe by the rare occasion you need to for survival in the forest, and for the fact that I know how to build one and I think it's really cool and would like to share my knowledge with others. The first step to build a fire is to walk along and try and find a flat surface on the ground without …show more content…

Get your larger logs and put 3-5 of them in a teepee formation without falling over. It might be easier to put two up first leaning against each other then put two more facing the other two directions second. Also don't make the logs to close to the rock circle because a flaming branch might fall off or a spark might fly off and burn someone or catch something on fire. After that, Get your smaller sticks and put them around the larger logs so that they cover up the larger logs almost completely. It might help if you get a couple of medium sized logs and put them around the large logs so that the logs don't slide down backwards and make you have to start over from step …show more content…

If you went with the leaves, Then you can put them in bunches around the fire and when you think you have enough you can just sprinkle the rest of the leaves on top of the fire. Now, Before you light the fire go and get extra large logs, small sticks and leaves/paper just in case You have trouble lighting the fire and you need more or if you want to have the fire out longer so you don't have to go looking for logs in the dark once the fire goes out. After that you can light the paper balls and wait for the fire to start if it doesn't try again with the same paper then if it doesn't work that time use other paper and try again. If it doesn't work that time try and find dead leaves and light the fire. If you already had leaves to begin with it should work but if it doesn't just go out and get a ton more leaves. Now you can enjoy the warmth of the fire you just created with family and friends. You could event cook hotdogs or s'mores on it. While you're enjoying the fire try and keep it safe, like try not to catch anything else on fire and try not to have too many people right next to the fire at one time so that no one falls

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