Plot: “The Yellow wallpaper” is a story where woman is transferred to different house so that she can recover from mental illness she was suffering from. She didn't like that house pretty much initially and once she was comfortable, she had conflict with her room’s wallpaper specially that women in yellow wallpaper. The author’s husband is a doctor, who is taking care of her illness. He is very caring and loving husband but the only thing which he dont like is author’s writing as he thinks writing make her think more then she needs to which is affecting her health so she(author) write a story with her husband not knowing, in which she mention all about bedroom wallpaper, due to which she is not happy. Author is having both kind of conflict …show more content…
The author use first person by using “I” continuously so that reader can put themselves in her shoe and can feel exactly what she feels Characters: The Narrator: A young, upper-middle-class woman, newly married and a mother, who is suffering from mental illness is taken care by her own. The author is storyteller so she imagines and thinks very much even after her husband denied she did continue to write secretly where she mentions all about her thoughts, beliefs, feeling, family and so on. In this particular story she writes about the wallpaper of the house which is driving her insane. This story is also written in her secret …show more content…
The passage: "[The house] is quite alone standing well back from the road, quite three miles from the village. It makes me think of English places that you read about, for there are hedges and walls and gates that lock, and lots of separate little houses for the gardeners and people." The house is described as very far away from village and away from road which has small far away houses and distant from the real society so the way house is described shows author’s loneliness and away from everyone. In the house, the author’s room is huge and very airy with windows from where she can look everywhere but can’t escape from that window. This setting indicates that author can see the world but cannot explore