Their Eyes Were Watching God revolves around one main character. The main character, readers are introduced with is Janie. Zora Neale Hurston’s story follows Janie through her adulthood. Readers see and meet Janie’s three husbands, Logan Killicks, Joe Starks, and Vergible “Teacake” Woods. These three all offer Janie different things. Nevertheless, while the husbands happen to have some similarities, they still differ greatly.
Zora Neale Hurston makes Janie’s first marriage, an arranged one. The arrange marriage signify Janie’s distaste, in being told what to do. Logan Hillocks is chosen to become Janie’s husband. When audiences first meet Logan, he is old. The only reason Janie’s grandmother chooses him is because he has sixty acres of land. This give Janie stability. However, Janie is beyond miserable with him. He does treat her well, and he might even care for her, but he doesn’t love her. Nor, is she catching any feelings for him. “His belly too big too, now, his toe-nails look like mule-feet.” (23)This is why Janie leaves him for Joe Starks.
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Joe is exciting and very sure of himself. He is headstrong, and Janie admires that he never gives up. Janie is very proud that Joe never gave up on his dream for Eatonville and loves her life with him. That is until he starts demanding things of her. Joe requests that Janie thinks higher of herself then the other women in town. “but de mayor’s wife is something different again.” (71) This is when she realizes he only married her for show, this ultimately causes her love for him to fade. She still cares deeply for him, and helps him until the time of his death, but she never regains the feelings she once had for