
Their Eyes Were Watching God Human Experience Essay

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Mara Rodgers
Mrs. Cross
American Lit and Comp
17th March 2023
The Human Experience
In Zora Neale Hurston’s book, Their Eyes Were Watching God she uses human life/experience to demonstrate how human pursuits can't stop the forces of nature. Hurston uses Janie’s character to not only break societal norms but to support her message about the human experience through Janie’s complicated story. In spite of challenging relationships, Jaine learns to not only find her voice but also the ability to shape her own life which eventually provides her the ability to discover her freedom throughout Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Jaine’s first relationships in life are with Nanny and Logan which turn to suffocating and suppressing, therefore, causing …show more content…

Janie is so fed up she finally says, ‘Ah knowed you wasn’t gointuh lissen tuh me. You changes everything but nothin’ don’t change you-not even death.But Ah ain’t goin’ outa here and Ah ain’t gointuh hush. Naw, you gointuh listen tuh me one time befo’ you die. Have yo’ way all yo’ life, trample and mash down and then die ruther than tuh let yo’ self heah ‘bout it. Listen, Jody, you ain’t de Jody ah run off down de road wid. You’se whut’s left after he died. Ah run off tuh keep the house wid you in uh wonderful way. But you wasn’t satisfied wid me de way Ah was. Naw! Mah own mind had tuh ne squeezed and crowded out tuh make room for yours in me”’(Hurston 86). Although Joe’s fake persona was transient Janie was scared of becoming independent, therefore, when she knew she had no reason to be afraid anymore she was brazen and let the years of resentment and apprehension fuel her words. Janie was relieved when Joe died it gave her freedom and the ability to be her “She went over to the dresser and looked hard at her skin and features. The young girl was gone, but a handsome women had taken her place. She tore off the kerchief from her head and let down her plentiful hair. The weight, the length, the glory was there” ( Hurston 87). Joe found her to be an affront, so he made her hide her hair and slowly suppressed everything that made her …show more content…

Tea Cake from the first time they met taught her and supported her through new things: “He set it up and began to show her and she found herself glowing inside. Somebody wanted her to play. Somebody thought it natural for her to play. That was even nice. She looked him over and got little thrills from every one of his good points. Those full, lazy eyes with the lashes curling sharply away like drawn scimitars” (Hurston 96). Janie was bewildered by the thought that someone wanted to teach her or that someone even wanted her to play. Janie spent years of her life being put down and degraded. This demonstrates that not only she gets more confident in her voice but it also expands. Even knowing Tea Cake for a short amount of time he begins to leave his mark on

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