Thematic Essay On The Old Testament

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1. The Old Testament comprises writing compiled by Hebrew scribes over the course of nearly 700 years. People living in a particular place at a particular time produced these texts. However, these texts are all unified which makes them particularly Hebrew. The concept of covenant unifies the texts of the Old Testament which is what makes them particularly Hebrew. The Hebrews have a covenant with Yahweh to worship only Yahweh, meaning they cannot worship any other gods that people of the ancient Middle East worshipped. As long as the Hebrews keep their end of the covenant, they are the chosen people who will be specially favored by God.

2. In Genesis the creation of a man narrative is told twice. Once it is told generally and another time it is told more specifically as the creation of Adam and Eve. The two versions of mankind created by the Lord God are accounted for. When the narrative of the creation of Adam and Eve is told we see God test mankind’s behavior and loyalty to determine the outcome he will allow for them. If mankind shows loyal behavior then they shall be blessed, but if mankind shows disloyal behavior then they shall be cursed. Mankind is cursed for their disobedience in the narration of Adam and Eve’s creation. …show more content…

In the story of Job, he suffers at the hands of Satan, which in our translation means the Accuser. It is an archetypal tale of man’s suffering. Yahweh allows this suffering because he wants to prove Job’s faithfulness. Satan continuously bets with Yahweh that if He allows Satan to take away Job’s possessions, family, health, etc. he will curse God’s name. Yahweh allows Satan to cause Job’s suffering for this reason. Job’s question to Yahweh is ‘Why do bad things happen to good people?’ Yahweh responds with the “voice of the whirlwind,” demanding Job to prepare himself as a man and respond to his questions. The voice of the whirlwind forces Job to realize how powerful Yahweh is and how little Job himself