
Theme Of Education In The Chosen By Chaim Potok

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Education Demonstrated in The Chosen

Education is the key to success. One important theme in the novel The Chosen by Chaim Potok is education. The theme education exists in the novel through the characters Daniel Saunders and Reuven Malter. Some specific examples in the book are when Reb Saunders threatens Danny's education, Reuven's knowledge for math, and when Danny and Reuven discuss college. The first point that will be discussed is how the theme of education is shown through Danny.

Daniel Saunders educational path is different than most teenagers because he is Jewish. Danny shows how important education is to him in chapter 13,

If Reb Saunders even once heard of Danny being anywhere in my presence, he would remove him immediately from the college and send him to an out-of-town …show more content…

In chapter 8 Reuven shows his knowledge when it says " I closed my eyes and went over the

propositional calculus, trying to visualize the truth tables for conjunction, disjunction, equivalence, and material implication. They were fairly simple, and I had no difficulty." (Potok 152). This shows Reuven likes school, especially math and he takes his education seriously. He studies and reviews so he can succeed and have a good education. My next point talks about the similarities in Danny and Reuven educational paths.

Daniel Saunders and Reuven have similar educational paths. In chapter 7, Danny and Reuven discuss college, "' so we'll be going to the same college,' I said. ' Will you be going for a B.A.?' 'Sure. You have to. They don't let you study just Talmud in that college. I'll be majoring in psychology.'" (Potok 145). This quote shows their similarities in their education, even if they have different interests. They both wanted to go to that college so they could focus on a degree but still study their religion and Talmud. It also shows education is important to them and they want to

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