Theme Of Emotional Abuse In The God Of Small Things

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The Emotional Abusing and being abused in Roy’s The God of Small Things Misuse of power and mistreatment of the powerless is abusing; the abuse may start with the infliction of physical, sexual, financial, verbal or emotional violence. Any sort of abuse will be apparently obvious to the abuser and the abused; but it is very difficult for the persons who experience emotional abuse to identify that they are being abused; since the emotionally agitated abuser fails to sympathise the other whereas the unaware victim comprehends neither the intension of the abuser nor the effects of the abuse. Abusing especially emotionally distressing is a serious social evil since it makes the victim socially incompetent. Both children and adult are encountering mental torment that is more vicious than physical abuse. Emotional Abuse is a psychological distress imposed on a submissive by ignoring, denying, aggressing, blaming, humiliating, belittling, bullying and rebuking. It is a kind of silent violence which causes invisible scars in the human mind intensifying psychological trauma eventually resulting in transgression. The motivation for such abusive behaviour may be associated with the situations of jealousy and power imbalance. Arundhathi Roy’s The God of Small Things explores how the under privileged endures emotional abuse as a consequence of other forms of abuse. Roy takes her verbal weapon against the emotional and physical abuse of the underprivileged – the child, the woman

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