Theme Of Eyes In The Great Gatsby

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The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg observed the deterioration and conflict amongst the characters in the novel. The eyes represent a godlike symbol in the novel because they witness all of the events unfold in every character's life. Nick apprehended, “I followed him over a low white-washed railroad fence and we walked back a hundred yards along the road under Doctor Eckleburg’s persistent stare” (28). Nick and Tom were heading over to see Myrtle when this quote was stated. At the time, Tom was married to Daisy and he was having an affair with Myrtle. This quote is important because it is the first example in the novel that proves the eyes are a godlike symbol. Nick knew that he and Tom visiting Myrtle was wrongful to Daisy, however, they both persisted in going through …show more content…

Therefore, Doctor Eckleburg’s persistent stare was a negative notion towards their actions just as if a god would look down upon someone’s sins. Michaelis observed, “Standing behind him Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of T. J. Eckleburg which had just emerged pale and enormous from the dissolving night” (167). Daisy killed Myrtle with Gatsby’s car the night before this quote was mentioned. However, Gatsby was taking the blame for the accident. This quote is important because it shows that the tragic turn out in events from the night before was observed through the eyes of T. J. Eckleburg. In addition, it also shows that the eyes disapproved of the actions that occurred because it explains how they emerged pale and enormous after the unfortunate turn out in events from the