The importance of family is considered one of the top priorities to most people this is the case of Enrique and his family. There are many themes in Enrique’s Journey written by Sonia Nazario about a young boys path to his mother but the most prominent theme is family is the most important thing. This is evident when Enrique crosses numerous borders daring death just to see his mother and, when Enrique’s mom leaves for America to give her kids a better life even though she will miss them everyday, and when Enrique forgives his mom for leaving so they can have a good relationship. Around 11.5 million immigrants come to America each year all for different reasons and they all have different stories with them. Enriques mother leaves him at the …show more content…
Enriques mother Lourdes has only one option if she wants her children to have a chance and that is to go to America. Even though she loves Enriques more than the world she leaves. The author writes “She cannot carry his picture. It would melt her resolve. She cannot hug him. He is five years old.” (Sonia Nazario, 40) Some would say if she truly cares for her family she would stay. No she cares about her family so much she is willing to risk everything for them she could be killed, raped, or beaten along this dangerous path the only thing keeping her on this path is her love for her kids which only grows as she goes along her path. Once Lourdes makes it to America she quickly finds a job and sends money so her kids can go to school which they wouldn't be able to because they were too poor when she lived in Honduras. Another source to back this up is when in the movie The Incredibles the father takes a job that is against the law and he begins to travel to an island even though he misses his family but he knows he must to do it for his family and himself. “Where have you been?... I’m sorry but it’s best I don’t say.) This is when the father is talking to his wife because they have been getting a lot of money and she wonders how he's doing it. Both these stories show how family is important and many ways it’s used for