
Theme Of Government Censorship In Fahrenheit 451

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In Fahrenheit 451, owning and reading books is illegal. This is a form of censorship and it is a big theme in the whole story. One thing that the government censors in Fahrenheit 451 and in world history is the media. Another thing that is censored by the government is literature. The government censors other things like types of entertainment in world history and the book. In Fahrenheit 451, there is no form of internet censorship but it does exist in the real world. The government censors many types of communications in world history and Fahrenheit 451. Government censorship has been in world history for a long time and can be compared to the world of Fahrenheit 451. The government censors the media in both Fahrenheit 451 and in the real …show more content…

If someone is found even holding one, the firemen burn down the house of the people who have books. They give them a warning to leave the house but if they don’t leave, they burn the house down along with the people. This is literature censorship and there has been much of it in world history with the most known being Nazi Censorship in Germany. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum states in their article that during the spring of 1933, Nazi student organizations, professors, and librarians made up long lists of books they thought should not be read by Germans. Then, on the night of May 10, 1933, Nazis raided libraries and bookstores across Germany. They marched by torchlight in nighttime parades, sang chants, and threw books into huge bonfires. On that night more than 25,000 books were burned. This is a very important yet depressing time in world history and it shows how literature is censored and how some books are not able to be brought back because they are destroyed. It also shows that Nazis did not have mercy and simply did not care how much thought went into those books and how much time it took to make them but were destroyed in seconds. This relates to Montag from Fahrenheit 451 because Montag does think about the same thing. He does feel guilty for destroying the books in seconds when it took months or even years to make just one of those books, however, the other firemen do not feel guilty as they even burn houses down …show more content…

John Markoff states in his article, “The study, being published on Tuesday, focuses on Internet blocking faced by Iranian and Chinese visitors to BBC Web sites during periods of political unrest in the two countries over the last two years.” This is a form of internet censorship from the Iranian and Chinese. The Iranian and Chinese government censor the BBC website from their citizens. No one is able to access the BBC web sites in the countries of China and Iran. He also stated, “The study, by the BBC and Dr. Deibert's center, acknowledges that the Internet accounts for only about 13 percent of the broadcaster's global audience, which totaled 225 million people in 2010-11.” This means that if the BBC websites were not restricted in China and Iran, the BBC internet percentage would be higher. BBC would be more successful if those websites were allowed in those two countries because they have large

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