
Theme Of Greed In The Christmas Story

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Greed spreads like poison among the crowd. However much we choose to see past it, greed will always be prominent and feeding, an epidemic among the populous. As seen in many ways, shapes, and forms from day to day life to the occasional greedy action, this bacteria is in us all and the only way we can stray away from it is to be the best we can. Most believe the holidays are for giving and loving, but not for a grouchy old wiser with the namesake of Ebenezer Scrooge. His attitude, character, and downright ungratefulness is portrayed in both a drama and on screen format of “The Christmas Story” by Charles Dickens.

A play and or drama is a live experience that has no editing. It is a realistic representation shown to an audience and performed by actors and actresses. In the case of the Christmas Story written by Charles Dickens and performed by my fellow classmates we read and acted out a story about a man, who was utterly disgusted by the Christmas Spirit. He who was Ebenezer Scrooge was driven by money only. He was not kind, giving, sympathetic, caring, or thoughtful but he …show more content…

In the video it is easier to see scrooge's attitude and, negative disposition. However, in the theatre production when scrooge helps his employee’s family it seems to make more of an impact. There was a slight alteration to the spirit of the past , and how the last family meal of his employee was presented. The similarities however overpower the differences seen in “A Christmas Carol.”

The path of greed is a long, lonesome, and hard one that tries men's souls. This is moral is weaved through by Charles Dickens and sways readers, to act selflessly,kindly, and wholeheartedly. The theme that was conveyed was delivered in a unique way forever impacting ebenezer scrooge. It is vital to remain happy, and grateful, and to remember that not only Christmas but all times is for giving and not

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