Theme Of Humor In Jon Scieszka's Brothers

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Authors can use Humor in many different situations, it can be used to give the audience a quick scoff, promote change, or even for dramatic effect. But in this essay, the authors use humor to make it easier to deal with life’s challenges.

To start, in the text “Brothers”, By Jon Scieszka, the author tells a story about a family road trip that he went on in his childhood, a road trip where everything went poorly and everyone was in group puke horror. But, throughout the text, the author explains how he and his brothers used humor to get through it all. “Tom burped a bit of Stuckey lunch back on Gregg. Jim and I rolled down the windows and hung out as far as we could, yelling in group puke horror. Dad Lou didn’t know what had hit the back of …show more content…

Eventually, I would realize—it wasn’t easy to tell—that Scooter had passed on to that Big Pond in the Sky, and I’d bury him in the garden, where he’d decompose and become food for the zucchini, which in turn would be eaten by my dad, who would, in turn, go to New York City, where, compelled by powerful instincts that even he did not understand, he would buy me another moping death turtle. And so the cycle of life would repeat'' (springboard, pg.7). This author uses humor to deal with life's challenges by taking something sad, such as a pet's death, and by adding some ridicule, making it into a humorous text about pets. Furthermore, once the author gets to the pet shop he faces another dilemma, any fish that he asked about had something that triggered them to attack. This was a recurring theme. I’d point to some fish, and the aquarium guy would inform me that these fish could become aggressive if there were fewer than four of them or an odd number of them, or it was a month containing the letter “R,” or they heard the song “Who Let the Dogs Out.” It turns out that an aquarium is a powder keg that can explode in deadly violence at any moment, just like the Middle East, or junior high school(Springboard, pg.281). What the author does here are inserts things that wouldn't normally make a fish angry, such as listening to a certain song to give the reader a good