
Theme Of Ignorance In Fahrenheit 451

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Is the Ignorant Society in Fahrenheit 451 a Blissful Society?

The saying “Ignorance is bliss” is commonly used to say that if you do not know or understand something, you will be happier and will not worry about it. Is ignorance really bliss? Some say that Ignorance keeps a carefree state of mind. On the contrast, it is argued that knowledge is power and although the truth may not always be very pleasant-it will set you free. The difficult question -Is Ignorance really bliss- is explored in the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Throughout the novel, the author uses internal and external conflict to develop one of the many themes in the novel : Ignorance is not always bliss. To begin, the internal conflicts occuring in Guy Montag's head result from the frustration he has because of the deception around him, and the lack of the ability to learn and think for himself. Montag struggles in choosing his own path. He fights in choosing whether to pick up the book in the house at 11 Elm Street (Ray Bradbury 36). His heart wants to pick up the book but his head tells him not too. Also, when Montag’s wife …show more content…

Montag says “Jesus God, every hour so many damn things in the sky!” “Why doesn’t someone want to talk about it!” (69). The world is in constant conflict. Many have died in battle and it doesn't seem to affect anyone. The society is desensitized. This war is terrible and there is constantly bomber jets overhead. This large scale conflict is an indicator that ignorance is not always bliss. Ignorance has caused the governments to not have an empathetic view. The obsession with violence and video games has contributed to this war. This society’s ignorance has cost them greatly. Perhaps if they had listened to others instead of turning a blind eye and craving entertainment and violence, this war would not have happened. Instead, they have chosen ignorance and

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