Theme Of Irony In The Story Of An Hour

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“The Story of an Hour” is a story that was set in the late 19th century written by Kate Chopin. She uses irony to present an unheard view of marriage. The story is initially written to have you think that poor Louise, having heart trouble, learns of the devastating news that her husband has been tragically killed. Thinking that Louise is heartbroken by the death of her husband, you suddenly see that she strangely cries “free! Body and soul free!” (525) You are intrigued to know why Louise would be joyful seeing that her husband has died. By the end of the story you see the irony that she doesn’t die of happiness, but rather dies of sorrow knowing that she isn’t free anymore. In “The Story of an Hour,” Kate Chopin uses strong irony to emphasize her theme of the unhappiness of marriages during this time. Irony is evident throughout the story, rather than the last five paragraphs, as irony plays out in the sense that, after learning about Brentley’s death, Louise retreats and becomes joyful. “She did not stop to ask if it were or were not a monstrous joy that held her” (525). This situation is ironic because Brently is Louise’s husband. Consequently, Louise should ordinarily be sad at the death of her …show more content…

Into this she sank…” (524) The open window symbolizes the freedom that has been afforded to her. By sinking into the armchair, she is trying to find comfort in not having her husband in her life anymore. As she looks out of the open window, seeing her true self, she hears birds singing which is a happy sound leading one to be hopeful of what good things are to come. This story is also successful because it shows irony in that the other characters are concerned for her heart troubles but don’t know that she died from sorrow. She thought that she was free from her husband’s will, but she died from heart troubles because she was so sad that her husband returned home