Theme Of Symbolism In Persepolis

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Think about how you live. Most of us in America are a part of the middle class, and we can all roughly understand how we live. But think about how people who are of the upper or lower class live. Can you visualize their daily struggles and needs as well as you can see your own? Probably not. No matter what class you would fall into, you cannot see the struggles and needs of the other classes as well as you can see your own. Marjane’s family is of the upper class and thus she is made deaf to how certain aspects of the revolution affect the common people. This perspective calls Marjane’s account of life in Iran during the revolution specifically her portrayal of social classes, nationalism, and religion into question. Nationalism is a large theme in Persepolis. Nationalism, is pride in a nation, and as shown in the picture, it can be taken to an extreme extent. The picture shows the extreme side of nationalism, how people are being led off a cliff by a man waving their flag, which symbolizes the pride they have in their nation. The cliff can symbolize many things harmful to a nation, it could mean war, financial crisis, food shortage, and any number of other horrible things to a nation. The theme of nationalism in Persepolis is shown through the people who blindly follow the fundamentalists off the cliff of nationalism, or at least that is how Marjane tells us it happened. Marjane’s account is called into question because although we know how the islamic revolution affected