What social class you’re born in makes a huge difference in your decision making both in the simulation and in real life. For example, if you are born into a high social class, you can make large mistake that can cost a lot of money, and not blink an eye. While if a person in the lower class were to make the same mistake, it could put them in even a worse off situation. A person born into a high class can use the power that comes from the money they have to get into a collage of their choosing, to buy cars, to eat better, and to get better healthcare. While a person born into a lower class can’t afford these things, which can hinder there potential for success. In the simulation, the highest class didn’t have to worry about weather they survived they to see another day like the lower classes did. They could, and probably did, make financial mistakes, however this didn’t offset them the way it would have if someone of the lower classes had. A lower carded individual had to work harder to live than the higher classes. Meanwhile, the higher carded people got to sit back, relax and accumulate wealth, without a care in the world all while people struggled to survive. The lower classes had no idea if they were going to live to see another day while the higher …show more content…
If someone isn’t a part of the tribe, nation, overall group that we assign ourselves too, than their needs aren’t as important to us. In a way it’s logical, the needs of your own people should outway the needs of somebody’s else. Competition is an important aspect of life, many scientific advancements happened because we were competing with somebody else, the most notable being getting man to the moon. However competition can also lead to disaster and the deaths of thousands of people. Cooperation is very important to, taking care of our fellow humans is the best way to insure our survival on this planet. Cooperating to much can lead to other nations taking advantage of