
Theme Of The Horizontal World

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Debra Marquart's memoir, "The Horizontal World," is a compelling and evocative work that explores the complex relationships between people, places, and identities in the American Midwest. Through a careful examination of personal anecdotes, cultural myths, and historical context, Marquart creates a rich and nuanced portrait of life in the Midwest.

One of the central themes of the book is the idea of home and belonging. Marquart grew up in a small town in North Dakota, and her memoir reflects on her experiences of leaving and returning to the Midwest throughout her life. She explores the ways in which the Midwest can feel both comforting and confining, and how the landscape and culture of the region have shaped her sense of self.

Marquart also addresses the theme of cultural identity in the Midwest. She examines the ways in which cultural myths and stereotypes, such as the image of the stoic, hard-working farmer or the friendly, down-to-earth Midwesterner, have been perpetuated in popular culture and how they affect the lived experiences of people in the region. She also examines the complicated history of race and ethnicity in the Midwest, particularly in relation to the experiences of Native Americans and immigrants. …show more content…

She reflects on the beauty and power of the Midwest landscape, from the vast prairies to the Great Lakes, and how it has influenced the way that people in the region see themselves and the world around them. She also discusses the environmental challenges facing the Midwest, such as climate change and industrial agriculture, and the impact that they have on the region's communities and

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