Theme Of Weather In The Great Gatsby

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Weather in The Great Gatsby is a very important element andconveys more information than just telling the reader aboutthe setting. In the book, Foster said, “weather can be used as aplot device, it can be used atmospherically, it can be used as amisery factor, and as a democratic element.” Foster also said,“Fog almost always signals some sort of confusion.” In thebook, when the night after Nick met Tom and Daisy the firsttime in the novel, it was a foggy, and at that point, Nick sawGatsby’s shadow, and indicated some sort of confusion in theair. Also, in the book, at Gatsby’s funeral, it was rainingharshly, because it was a time of grief, a miserable time. Alsoin the book, when Tom, Nick, Gatsby, Jordan, and Daisy went tothat hotel, it was