Theoretical Framework Of The Health Belief Model (HBM)

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Theoretical Framework
This section focuses on the theory informing this study in particular the Health Belief Model (HBM).

Health Belief Model
Becker’s “Health Belief Model” will used to provide the theoretical underpinning for the study. The model is a framework for explaining people’s behaviour aligned to health, physical and mental well-being (Polit & Beck, 2012). The model suggests that a person’s health have to connect to behaviour based on two factors. The first factor is to explore individual’s perception in health threat, and how the individual sees the risk of getting infection and how the risk perceived will be.

The second factor is the desire to take every necessary precaution in other to avoid health risk problems. This affected by the thought that one can go through with the chosen action as well as the belief that the positive outcomes of a change will outweigh the negative. Representation of this theoretical model, the individual will decide for health promoting actions if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages (Kondomboken, 2007). Therefore, Becker’s Health Belief model will be implore to reflect knowledge of participation in HIV prevention programmes among African foreign students. The five perceptions variables will serve as the main constructs of the HBM model, will be use in this research findings. Perceived threat consists (perceived severity and perceived susceptibility), perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action and self-efficacy