Theories Of Emile Durkheim

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Table of content • Emile Durkheim • What is suicide? • Types of suicide  Anomic suicide  Egoistic suicide  Altruistic suicide  Fatalistic suicide • Suicide with case studies • Conclusion • Bibliography Emile Durkheim Emile Durkheim was born on 15th April 1858, Epinal France. He is regarded as the founder of the French school of sociology. He was one of several young philosophers and scholars who became convinced that progress was not the necessary consequence of science and technology. He perceived around him the prevalence of anomic a personal sense of rootlessness fostered by the absence of social norms. More and more of his thought became concerned with education and religion as the two most potent means of reforming humanity or of moulding the new institutions required by the deep structural changes in society. He became a well-known sociologist famous for his views on the structure of society. His work focused on how traditional and modern societies evolved and function. His theories were found on the concept of social facts, defined as the norms, values and structure of the society. This perspective of the society differed from other sociologist of his era as his theories were found on things external in nature, as opposed to those internal in nature such as motivations and desires of individuals. According to Durkheim, collective consciousness, values and rules are critical to a functional society. Throughout his career, Durkheim was concerned primarily