The four famously known theorists are Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx. Each studied and viewed social behavior in a way they believed was the way it should be viewed; hence, they came up with different theories that categorizes society in many different aspects.
Emile Durkheim was a father of sociologist who was famous for his views on the structure of society and its functions. His work was majored on how traditional and modern societies evolved and operate. Durkheim's theories were based on the concept of social facts. Social fact can be defined as the norms, values, and structures of society. Durkheim believed that collective consciousness, values, and rules are essential for a functional society. His theories concentrate mainly
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It has also shown light on the differences and issues triggered between the wealthy and the poor in society. The wealthy is classified as the persons who owned large portions of land and industries: hence, they control sources of revenue, employment and the lower working class in general. Marx sought to understand the reason behind the popularity of poverty when there is an abundance of riches. He came to a conclusion that the reason was capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system where the means of production is owned by private individuals. Marx believe that the solution to this problem was social equality (socialism). Belize is mixture of both a socialist and capitalist system because while the government controls majority of the employment and means of production, other means of employment are owned by private individuals (e.g. Bowen and Bowen …show more content…
He was the founder of rationalization. He believed that rationalization was a central problem in this world and the power of ideas shapes and changes society. Members of preindustrial societies embrace tradition. To him Industrial societies describe by rationality. Rationalization is historical changes from tradition to rationality as the main type of human thought (societies differ in how people think of world). For instance, is Industrial Capitalism as essence of rationality. Weber’s great thesis are Protestantism and Capitalism Emphasized about legal-rational legitimacy and charismatic legitimacy. He agreed with Marx that economic activity is central in modern industrialized society but emphasizes politics as most important factor. Glerhard Lenski however, was a sociologist known for his donation to the human science of religion, social imbalance between individuals, and presenting the environmental developmental hypothesis. As opposed to the other sociologist, Mr. lenski viewed society and the social structure from a different perspective. He focused on the social and cultural elements of society in which he studied Macro sociology. Lenski was the theorist of Social Change and technology. Changes that occur within society allows technology to take control and this process is known as sociocultural revolution. The more information technology increases the faster changes begin to transpire in society. Mr. Lenski