
Communist Manifesto

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Looking back at these two works written in the mid to late 19th century, it has become clear the benefits and detrimental aspects of the opinions of the writers. They both had an impact throughout history, including the 21st century. In 1848 when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the first edition of the book that would define their worldview, they saw an issue with the fragmentation of the communist beliefs and the Congress commissioned them to put the beliefs of the communists into a clear document to demonstrate what they stood for. Many of their ideas are now outdated, and some countries have implemented these ideas in current society with unsuccessful results. Marx advocates the violent overthrow of governments to equalize the people …show more content…

Marx makes the statement that the owners of the large corporations overpower many people who live in the middle-class and force the middle-class people into lower income brackets. The wealth gap is increasing throughout the world, and many corporations have undercut the financial stability of the middle-class workers when instability of the markets occurs. Often the labourers and the modern day bourgeoisie are in conflict with each other, with demands for increased production and increased wages thrown around. The conflict along with a current mentality of increasing production and industrialization mirrors Marx’s fears of society. The most controversial statement made by Marx is that in the bourgeoisie society, those who work do not have the opportunity to improve, while those who do not work will gain riches and improve on life. The common abuse of the government assistance shows this, whether by seniors pension or through unemployment insurance. Those who abuse the system are in need of assistance and are not working, but ignore certain restrictions and qualifications to utilize the government help. The foundation of the beliefs of Marx is also quite prevalent in the current society. This foundation is the denial of morality or eternal truth ever existing, found in the post-modernistic worldview of …show more content…

Kuyper had a few statements that society has shown to be problematic today. Kuyper advocates for justice to be the only focus of the government, while many case studies around the world show advantageous benefits to have government involvement in more areas. In some countries, the government creates a public company to create competition for the private organizations. The standardization of health and education allows a nation-state to stay unified and improve with unity. Kuyper also states that the poor are not always a part of the human society, contrary to the Bible. In Deuteronomy 15:11 and John 12:8 there is explicit statements that poor people will always be around, thus there should continually be assistance provided for those who are in financial need, especially by the members of the church

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