
Classical Sociological Theory

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Classical sociological theories are theories with ambition and great scope that either created in the early 1800s and 1900s in Europe. There were many sociological theorists such as Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Vilfredo Pareto, Auguste Comte, Karl Marx was important in its Time and have played a significant role in the subsequent growth and development of sociology. According to the origins of British Sociology, the market economy is a source of order, positive force, integration and harmony in society. According to Jackson (2014), there was a small elite inevitably dominates society on the grounds of enlightened self-interest. On the other hand, the anomie, considered out of any specific social context, refers to the problems …show more content…

This essay aims to analyse the society in the light of some of the threshold concepts developed by the classical theorists. The sociology of education theory has been selected for this current study. This may include alia: alienation, anomie, rationalisation, the protestant ethic, the sacred and profane. Furthermore, it will demonstrate about the concept of alienation play in how Marx theorised society. This also illustrates the key features of modernity as opposed to those of a traditional society from the study of social …show more content…

It also brings hope and social values solidarity. The main contribution of modernity is to offer the possibility that all walks of life will contribute to the educational process. And sociology is the discipline, in Marx view; it is able to make a synthesis of these contributions. There are various features of modernity aims to identify alternative democratic practices that go beyond the neoliberal hegemonic model of participation. Misztal (2013) identifies that capitalism is not open to criticism for not being democratic but for not being sufficiently democratic, because it limits the democratisation of the state of political space. It is necessary to expand to other spheres of human life from the domestic relations (gender relations), the production space (the world of work, distribution of wealth, etc.) as well as worldwide (relations between countries) (O 'brien, Penna and Hay,

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