Theories Of Erikson's Developmental Theory

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Developmental theory by Erik Erikson, he states that life is a series of lessons and marrying at young age is a reality for many young women. The study was held securely to the psychosocial challenged which help us to grow. His theory helps to tell us why this theory is helpful for child developmental and adults also. In relation to this study, youth must resolve two life critical situations during adolescents. This represents to find a balance between developing a unique identity. Thus, youth must determine who they want to be and how they want to perceive by others. Erikson believed that when the youth successfully guide this crisis they come out with a clear understanding of their individual identity and they can easily share their self with others. According to Erikson, when youth become stranded at this stage, they will become emotionally mature adults. The second crisis will occur in late adolescence and early adulthood which is the crisis of intimacy versus isolation. This represents to resolve the reciprocal nature of intimacy by having a mutual balance between giving love and support. Thus, youth must learn how to develop and to maintain close friendship as well as how to commit a romantic relationship. When youth fail this critical situation they will become self-contained, accessible, needy and dependent. In addition, Johnson’s Behavioral System Model meant that each individual has willingness to act with the aim of achieving the goal in