Erikson's Theory Of Cognitive Development: Adolescence And Emerging Adulthood

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Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood Human development changes throughout a lifespan and those changes include, physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes between birth and adulthood. This paper reflects my own personal changes and focuses specifically on the changes concerning both cognitive development and psychosocial development. Cognitive development involves the mental mind and allows for reasoning and the ability to make decisions, based on logic and reason, to take place. Once individuals reach the age to reason, the maturity levels and past experiences shifts to concrete operational thinking. This stage includes problem-solving and a new method to thinking, such as anticipating or having a theory about something to come. Concrete operational stage is the third stage in, psychologist, Jean Piaget 's, theory of cognitive development (Dunn and Craig, 2013). Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development is broken down into eight stages that take place through a lifetime. The transition between the different stages depends greatly on the encounters that one faces during their lifespan. According to Erikson’s theory, successful completion of each stage allows for a healthier lifestyle but unsuccessful transitions through a stage can cause turmoil. According to Les Parrott, author of Helping the Struggling Adolescent (2000), adolescents who never deal with their heartache will learn to bury grief during adulthood and undergo a lifetime of mental