Summary Of Erikson's Psychosocial Stages Of Human Development

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Erikson’s psychosocial stages of human development provide a comprehensive developmental account of an individual’s life span. In particular, the research at hand puts special premium on the situations shaping and confronting middle adulthood. Though popular, few studies have used Erikson’s theory in examining how older adults go through life changes across their life span with emphasis on the physical and mental health aspects (Perry, Hassevoort, Ruggiano & Shtompei, 2015). The study takes on the expanded model of generativity versus stage that added seven psychosocial conflicts aimed to provide more breadth to the cental crisis confronting such stage. The following are the conflicts included in the expanded model as described in the work of Slater (2003): Inclusivity versus Exclusivity results in an attitude and outlook of that pervades every aspect of adult life. It is rooted in the struggle between trust versus mistrust. There is a constant tension between inclusion and exclusion as the person continues to detach himself or herself to the family and lives an independent life. Inclusivity and exclusivity issues are not only confronted in the family but in the adult’s interaction with the community, the country and the world, and perhaps most obviously, in religious experience. A sense of exclusivity could be seen in a person with rigidly held views from childhood accompanied by rejection of others who do not have the same beliefs. Religion could be limited to