Analyzing Erikson's Middle Adulthood Development

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Middle Adulthood During this stage in life, Erikson describes individuals in the generativity vs. stagnation stage (Capp, 2004). Individuals between the ages 40 to 65 have generally married, have a career and have their own families. Erikson refers to generativity as a concern of the next generation by guiding and establishing them. He also stated that a well-developed man wants to feel needed and the younger generation should acknowledge that need (Capp, 2004). Dunkel and Sefcek (2009) stated that the individual is faced with the challenge of self constructive tasks and to help the next generation, not just their children but other individuals that may need guidance or influence. Therefore, individuals in this stage main focus is to contribute to their environment or social groups. They want to establish positive influences on future generations that would benefit them (Capp, 2004). Encouragement from younger individuals allow the older individual to leave this stage with self-worth and grace. This is the time for individuals in this …show more content…

As individuals age older, they tend to slow down on their productively and begin retirement (Torges, Stewart, & Duncan, 2008). Erikson stated that during this stage, individuals reflect their lives and come to terms of their accomplishments or failures which have defined them of who they are (Capp, 2004). Individuals who accept the life they lived and view it as unchangeable will result in self-acceptance. Erikson described the importance of this acceptance in order to achieve ego integrity (Torges, Stewart, & Duncan, 2008). However, if individuals fail to accept their past may result in experiencing guilt or depression. They tend to regret their life choices and feel their life was meaningless (Torges, Stewart, & Duncan, 2008). This regret can result in despair which will have a negative impact on the