Theories Of Fear In It By Stephen King

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In Stephen King’s television series “It”, there is a tremendous amounts of fear. In the series there are examples of the three theories of fear. The three theories are the Cannon-BArd Theory, the James-Lange Theory,and the 2 Factor Theory. Also there is multiple examples of the seven facts of fear. One of the seven facts that are in the series is fact four which is, you don’t need to be in danger to be scared. An example from the series is when Bill went back to Darry and was at George's grave and sees Pennywise digging graves for the seven members of The Lucky Seven. He wasn’t in any danger but was still slightly scared. Another one of the seven facts that are in the series is fact seven which is, the more real the threat, the more heroic your actions are. …show more content…

She realized how scared Stan was and how real all of this seemed and took action. Then one more of the seven facts in the series is fact number five which is, the more scared you feel, the scarier things will seem. An example of this fact in the series is, when the six of them were in the library after dinner at the restaurant and the whole place was getting destroyed. At first it was only the lighting from outside then as time went on everything was getting scarier. Like, Stans head in the fridge, the rain and the balloons all over the place. Also them hearing Pennywise’s laugh as the library was getting messed up. They became more scared after every action and that caused things to seem