Therapeutic Goals In Behavioural Therapy

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Behavioural Therapy
Behavioural therapy, as the name suggests, focuses on fostering positive behaviour, and eradicating unwanted or maladaptive behaviour. Counsellors who use this approach believe that behaviour is learned; therefore it can also be unlearned through therapy. Corey G. (2013 pg. 227) has written that this approach is used to treat issues related to anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, substance abuse, eating and weight disorders, sexual problem, pain management and hypertension. The approach has been used to treat disabilities related to development, mental illness, education, special education, community psychology, clinical psychology, rehabilitation, self management, sports psychology, health related behaviours, …show more content…

(Corey, G. 2013)
Therapeutic Process
Therapeutic Goals
Behaviourists, as other counsellors, strive to help clients achieve their personal and professional objectives by making positive adjustments to circumstances. Therefore the primary aim of this approach is to help clients eradicate maladaptive behaviours while developing positive, constructive behaviour. Emphasis is laid on not just eliminating behaviour but more so on replacing them with productive ways of responding. This is achieved by setting and working on mutually set goals between the client and counsellor. (Corey, G. 2013)
Role and Function of the Therapist
According to Corey, G. (2013) the therapist follows the ABC model to do a formal behavioural analysis of his client. Here, the therapists propose that a particular behaviour is always preceded by an event (Antecedent events) which causes the behaviour (B), and every behaviour has a consequence (C). These consequences help sustain behaviour, either by increasing it or decreasing it. The therapist applies this model to identify antecedents and consequences of a particular behaviour of concern and therefore, change …show more content…

Although MBSR is a training with potential benefits for all types of participants, historically, students have suffered from a wide range of chronic disorders and diseases. MBSR is an 8-week intensive training in mindfulness meditation, based on ancient healing practices, which meets on a weekly basis. Mindfulness practice is ideal for cultivating greater awareness of the unity of mind and body, as well as of the ways the unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviours can undermine emotional, physical, and spiritual health. The mind is known to be a factor in stress and stress-related disorders, and meditation has been shown to positively affect a range of autonomic physiological processes, such as lowering blood pressure and reducing overall arousal and emotional reactivity. In addition to mindfulness practices, MBSR uses yoga to help reverse the prevalence of the feeling of being weak or unwanted (disuse atrophy) from our culture 's largely sedentary lifestyle, especially for those with pain and chronic illnesses. The program brings meditation and yoga together so that the virtues of both can be experienced simultaneously”

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