Intervention Theories

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Intervention and Theories Intervention and theories are best supported after a multidimensional assessment is completed. Assessments provide a historical overview and identifies all areas of concerns, gaps in care, and any other goals for improvement. The member has an extensive history of sexual, physical, and psychological abuse. Strength based theory is the best approach when working with the member because it will provide a foundation to build interventions upon. "Integration of strengths within the complex and often negatively skewed narrative may re socialize potential clients to perceive that psychotherapy is not only about untwisting their distorted thinking or restoring their troubled relationships, it is also about learning …show more content…

The steps include finding the members strength, constructing personal model of resilience, applying personal model of resilience, and practicing personal model of resilience (Padesky & Mooney, 2012). Cognitive therapy will address the members distorted perception of herself influenced by her environmental, family, and social factors. The goal is to change her feelings and actions so that she can achieve her treatment goals and learn how to resolve issues and concerns. The member has the capability of resiliency. The first step in strength based cognitive therapy is identifying her strengths as a means to become resilient, member can begin to change the way she thinks about who she is and gain confidence in her ability to overcome her challenges. Constructing the personal model of resilience with the member is developing coping strategies, build trusting relationships, help the member gain and understand that she has control of her situation. Encourage member not to give up on goals that is creating a better life for herself and children, learn to forgive herself and others, continue to seek help and assistance when needed. The third step is to apply the model of resilience. The strategic plans will encompass challenges and barriers and it is important to work with the member on reframing the thought process to improve and make changes to a strategy. When the member experiences depression, she does not have to feel suicidal and she works on seeking assistance. Teaching the member on how to reframe for circumstances that do not work will help the member work towards making changes as part of becoming more resilient. Practicing resiliency with the member is revisiting experiences and actions to identify and discuss in a constructive manner how the member has utilized coping strategies and change of