Population Resilience Framework

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According to O 'Sullivan, Kuziemsky, Corneil, Lemyre and Franco (2014) a population resilience is one who has the ability to bounce back from a traumatic life experience; has an adaptive capacity to respond, learning from and recover from the disruption as well as the strengthening of coping mechanisms. O 'Sullivan et al. (2014) developed a policy framework to assist high risk populations in the successful management of a traumatic situation (Major Depressive Disorder). At the center of the framework lies the population adaptive capacity; the inner ring consists of empowerment, innovation, and collaboration which are used to driving the adaptive capacity; located outside the inner ring are four quadrants which consist of strategic areas used for intervention, needed to build key adaptive …show more content…

In addition the high risk populations resilience framework identifies each person, household, and organization within a community as having a unique set of assets; clearly, it is these resources that individual must utilize if the burden of depression with the society is to be addressed. The framework points to the complexity of the system and the need to overcome inertia and resistance to change. However, management and leadership are crucial intersect in this framework through managing resources upstream are fundamental initiatives which are required to develop community resilience, asset and resources. Leadership must therefore find innovative solutions to reconfigure the systems, policies or protocols which will allow communities to overcome inertia and enhance adaptive capacity for downstream response. Management of high risk population includes being able to connect with and engage persons to establish networks and relationships, enhance asset literacy, and provide genuine opportunities for participation; this can be achieved through social networks by recognizing this important asset and the potential it has to decrease the stigma of mental illness and