Therapeutic Listening Intervention Case Study

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A therapeutic listening intervention program via headset is an intervention that I seen being implemented with all the clients during level I fieldwork. Different style and types of music are played within the headsets. Clients may not listen to the same music via the headset it all depends on the child and their condition. I saw the clients when they were already within their program of listening, so they responded to the headset very well. However, the parents did state that when their child first started their program, they did not like wearing the headsets at all. The parents did reinforce the wearing of the headsets for their child to get comfortable wearing them and to be compliant with the home program. Therapeutic listening was implemented while engaging in activities for the first 30 …show more content…

In their study Hall & Case-Smith (2007) conducted research on the effect of sensory diet and therapeutic listening intervention programs that was guided by an license occupational therapist and implemented by parents in their home, on children with sensory processing disorders and visual-motor delays. In the study included 10 children between the ages of 5 and 11 years old, who displayed moderate to sever sensory processing disorder and visual-motor integration delays (Hall& Case-Smith, 2007). The exclusion criteria of the study were participants with moderate to sever mental retardation, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, visual impairment, hearing impairment, and severe autism (Hall& Case-Smith, 2007). However participants could have attention deficit hyperactivity, sensory integration disorder, mild autism or pervasive developmental disorder, Asperger syndrome, developmental delays, coordination disorder, or motor delays (Hall& Case-Smith,