There Is Reason Still Fathom The Religious Realm Essay

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All of us opt for certainty in all things. In such endeavor, reason is of premium importance; it is our way for establishing certainty in all of our inquiries. However, in matters of our religious belief, can reason still attain the certainty it promises? Can reason still fathom the abyss called religious realm? In this paper I will be doing the following: first, I will present some of the theistic arguments laid in proving the existence of God through the use of reason, namely, ontological and cosmological argument; second, I will try to present the relation between the religious modes of man’s existence and reason as a tool in man’s quest for finding the whole reality of his existence; lastly, I will present my insight for the topic. St. …show more content…

Since when we talk about the religious dimension, we are brought into a different realm in which no reason can fully comprehend, so that, in this case, what will happen is a matter of waging. Reason in this realm may not fathom the abyss of religious realm, however, practically speaking; Pascal upholds that believing rather than not is the most reasonable thing to do. So, here, reason may not comprehend the depths of religious dimension, but, it aids us in deciding what to do or not do, to believe or not, whatever the case may be. Kierkegaard, on the other hand, believes that concerning about the religious dimension of our existence, what we are dealing is not a kind of objective truth that is universal, for the truth we have in our religious aspects of our lives is something that is subjective, too personal that it cannot be communicated to others. Likewise, a person’s religious experience may not appear true or reasonable to others, but to the one who experience it, it is vividly