Informative Speech On Lung Cancer

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Cancer is a disease of out of control cell growth. All cells will be formed, matured, and eventually die, new cells divide from mitosis and move to blood vessels and other parts of your body. Cancerous cells have have an uncontrolled division of cells and keep producing. Chemical messages that cells receive effect the molecules in the cell and determines cell growth. Cell division in the body depends on a precisely regulated set of events that determine whether the cell will or will not divide. Cancer cells don't stop dividing and will take the energy and nutrients of surrounding cells. Cancer causing agents can cause Mutations which will show the cells will be cancerous, these agents will also cause changes in the DNA. Genes regulate the cycle and act like accelerators and brakes which help the dividing rate of each cell.
The populations in the united states at greater risk for developing cancer are Kentucky and Louisiana because getting cancer may be caused by where you live because the environments are different and lifestyles may have more cancer causing agents than others. Lung and Bronchus is the most common mortality rates for both men and women in 2017, it also is the second most likely to develop throughout men and women. People who are 70 years or older have a …show more content…

Breast Liver, and Colon cancers can be linked into your genes that you can inherit from relatives. Other cancers may be caused by forces that cause gene mutations which is called carcinogens. Many things like smoking, drugs, sun, food, etc have been the leading causes of developing cancer. Smoking causes 90% of lung cancer and more than 480,000 people die from first or second hand smoking. When you receive too much radiation from the sun or by using sunbeds this can damage the DNA in your skin cells. When the damage grows over time, your cells will start to grow out of control and will become