
Compare And Contrast Essay On Cancer Cells Vs Normal Cells

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Body 1
Cancer Cells vs. Normal Cells
G1 phase- Cell Growth both cancer cells and normal cells choose to divide and cell increases in size, but what makes both of them different is the cancer cell will not stop growing.
S phase- DNA Replication
Cancer cells and normal cells the DNA is being replicated, but in cancer cells the DNA goes through mutations and it becomes damaged.
G2 phase- Cell Growth both cells still continue to grow, except cancer cells uncontrollably grow.
Mitosis- Nuclear Division/ Cell divides both cells divides, but cancer cells divide uncontrollably and never goes through apoptosis because they don’t respond to the signals that regulate the cell growth.

Time spent in each stages:
The cell divides approximately every …show more content…

These factors cause cancer because the environmental exposure damages the DNA.

Explain which types are more common (environmental or genetically inherited). Provide statistics to support your claim. Environmental cancers are more common than genetically inherited because all cancer-deaths related are, almost 30% are due to tobacco, about 35% are linked to diet, about 20% are due to infections and the rest is linked to radiation, stress, etc. Genetic mutations play a role in about 5 to 10 percent of all cancers.

Body 4
What is the purpose of microarray?
Microarray studies the expression of a gene.

Explain the process of microarray
Doctors diagnose and treat cancer using microarray.
A healthy and cancerous tissue is collected from a patient to compare what gene is expressed from both tissues. The mRNA is then isolated, which is color-coded with fluorescent tags and used to make DNA copy. The DNA copied is called cDNA, which is applied in the microarray. Three to four colors are going to be shown after scanning with a laser.

Explain how the results from a microarray are

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